Thursday, August 13, 2009

Gender and Sri lanka

Look at this man.

Can you see any difference in this man?
No. Probably not.
He looks like the average Sri Lankan man, right?
But even if you forget the facts that he's quite a well known person, a play wright, an English writer and a big inspiration for any wanna-be artist, he's still not average...

Well.. he's a transman. The only (well known) Sri lankan transman so far!

But then who's a transman?
Literally a transman is a woman transformed in to a man (mostly on her own will).
There are trans-women as well. Possibly out numbering the trans-men in the world.

And we, here in Srilanka have had at least one such person who was talked about in the media about a decade ago.
But 'she' certainly didn't receive as much spotlight as the above transman.

But the problem is not that.
We haven't had any trans-men or trans-women coming out since then nor a single person who'd fall in to the LGBT criteria in this country.

But how come that be a problem?

If people don't come out like that then that's good right?

It means there are no such people like that to come out right?

But it's only right if there truly aren't any people like that there.
What if there ARE?
What if there are but they don't know what to do?
Suppressed, confused and lost? Yet still have no idea how to find the way?

Hell, there are so many people like that. Not as strong nor enlightened as the above two people.
They need inspiration, guidance or at least the knowledge that they are not alone!

Look at this man.
His name is Tristan Skye - a transman and an American.
And the founder of the non-profit organization and network totally dedicated to LGBT people.
His (AND his wife's) org. is called Trans Queer Nation previously changed from Trans America to include people of other nationalities.

On another hand, look at all these people.
They seem perfectly normal.
Which is what they ARE.
Sometimes we tend to perceive these people as freaks and these behaviour immoral (specially in our socio-cultural background).
But the truth is they are sometimes even saner than us.
Otherwise how could they take up such a challenge?

It's certainly not a case of popping some pill or going through some surgery and then you are as good as new.
It's a process which requires oodles of will power and dedication and bravery.
And of course a longer time than any of us think.
I think it's nothing else but fear.
Yes fear that makes us so hostile or ignorant about these people or issues.

The truth is the average Sri lankan knows very little or not at all about these things.

Most of us are in the dark.
And that darkness is what causes the fear.
And then the hostility.

What is this LGBT thing?
It stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender people.

Lesbians are women whom attracted to the same sex while gay is the term for men (now being used for women too) who are attracted to men.
Bisexuals are well ..a person of either gender (male or female) who is attracted to both sexes.
And transgender people also could be either male or female but who think they are in the wrong body and always crave to be a person of the opposite sex.

There could be so many other labels as well like - androgynous , non-identifying etc. But they all more or less fall in to the LGBT criteria.
Are you a woman who hates dressing up in women's attire, hates women's jewellery and most of all depressed of being a woman and feels comfortable in anything masculine?
Or are you a man feeling like that?

No it's not a mental illness, nor a defect in your personality, nor is there anything wrong with you. There are so many people out there feeling the same way.

And I'm going to track down one such person and get the 'secrets' out. I hope it will work out for the sake of you, me and the whole Sri lanka but until then...

Be open minded.
Be good.